Downtown Tipp City Partnership Offers Façade Improvement Plan
Tipp City, OH – The Downtown Tipp City Partnership (DTCP) modified their Facade Improvement Program (FIP) grant application process last year. The FIP, which was established circa 2008, offers grants along with design assistance to businesses and property owners in Tipp City’s downtown district. The goal of the FIP is to improve the exterior appearance of individual buildings, signs, awnings, and the overall look of the district by leveraging private investment while making revitalization efforts affordable, creative, and community-based.
The FIP offers matching grants of up to fifty percent (50%) of an approved project cost for a maximum amount of $2500. The program typically honors up to three recipients each year. In the past, grants were offered on an on-going, as-needed basis until funds for the year were depleted. Now grant applications will be collected for review and selection twice per year, in April and August. Priority will be given to projects that are most compatible with the vision and goals of the DTCP and their impact on the district.
Applications for this grant cycle are due on April 21, 2023 The DTCP encourages potential grant applicants to meet with the DTCP’s Design Committee before beginning any improvement project. The Design Committee can provide valuable assistance by reviewing conceptual plans, discussing any permits that may be required, and conducting an on-site visit of the building. If interested in consulting with the Design Committee, please call the DTCP office at 937.667.0883 or email tasha@downtowntippcity.org.
Please visit this link for further details about the FIP grant and application.
DTCP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to enhance, preserve, and promote downtown Tipp City from the tracks to the canal. It is an officially designated Main Street organization through Heritage Ohio and Main Street America.