Membership Level change

You have selected the DTCP Sustaining Partner membership level.

The DTCP Sustaining Partner membership level registers your business or for-profit organizations as supporters of our vibrant Downtown. As a local business, we understand how important it is to support Tipp City's downtown retail district and be "tied in" to what is happening around town. Benefits of this level include:

  1. Partner listing on the website and in the annual report.
  2. Events shared on our Facebook Feed and listed on the DTCP website.
  3. You will receive 2 free tickets to the DTCP annual dinner.
  4. Businesses that would like to support the DTCP and be part of the promotion efforts.
  5. Monthly updates, news & opportunities via e-newsletters.
  6. Listed on a dedicated page on the DTCP website.
  7. Logo is listed as a 2024 Promotional Sponsor on the website
  8. Have four free business-size ads in 2024 and the opportunity to purchase discounted ad space in the Tipp Gazette.
  9. Have your business highlighted on all DTCP social media outlets four times a year.
  10. Ability to participate in the Partnership Passport Program*

The price for membership is $1,000.00 per Year.

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