Falling for Tipp City: Capturing the Heart of a Small Town
| December 3, 2024
Falling for Tipp City
Capturing the Heart of a Small Town
As I wander through the streets of Tipp City, I’m continually enchanted by this small historic town and its sense of community and warmth.
Stepping Into Living Simply Soap: A Sensory Escape
| December 3, 2024
Living Simply Soap
A Sensory Escape
Imagine walking into a store that feels like a scene from your favorite movie. That’s exactly what it’s like at Living Simply Soap. Everything is beautifully arranged, and the scents are absolutely incredible—it’s as if you’re instantly surrounded by a little bubble of calm the moment you walk through the door.
Tanmay De
| May 31, 2023
Great Shopping
It’s Worth a Trip to Tipp!
Visitors can expect a wonderful shopping experience, with an array of unique boutiques and antique stores
Tanmay De
| November 7, 2022
Experience Fine Dining
We offer lots of amazing dining opportunities
Visitors can expect amazing dining spots, including Coldwater Cafe, routinely voted in the top ten dining experiences in the Dayton area…
Visit Tipp
Tanmay De
| November 7, 2022
Welcome to
The Downtown Tipp City Partnership
Our mission is to enhance, preserve, and promote Downtown Tipp City from the tracks to the canal. Join us!